About Us
Florida League of IB Schools (FLIBS) is a non-profit established to help support member schools in the implementation and success of IB programmes.
With a small but hard-working, talented staff and close to 200 member schools FLIBS is able to provide support, training and lobbying throughout Florida. In addition, FLIBS provides training to educators worldwide.

Our Mission
The mission of the Florida League of International Baccalaureate Schools (FLIBS) is to foster excellence in international education for students in our region through support of students in IB Programmes, support of teachers and administrators in IB Programs and premier teacher education and professional development.
Programme Models
The mission of the Florida League of International Baccalaureate Schools (FLIBS) is to foster excellence in international education for students in our region through support of students in IB Programmes, support of teachers and administrators in IB Programs and premier teacher education and professional development.
Primary Years Programme
The PYP marks the start of a lifelong journey. It develops caring and culturally aware children aged 3 – 12 to become active participants in their own learning.
Age range:
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Middle Years Programme
Building a solid academic foundation, the MYP develops students’ confidence in managing their own learning and making connections between their learning in the classroom and the real world.
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Diploma Programme
A future-ready programme that builds students’ inquiring mindset, fosters their desire to learn, and prepares them to excel at their careers and lead meaningful lives.
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Career-related Programme
A unique programme for students in their final school years. It equips them with future-ready skills and prepares them to follow their career pathways—combining academic subjects with their own professional interests.
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Our History
The first Florida schools to receive International Baccalaureate authorization were:
1. St. Petersburg High School in St. Petersburg
2. Stanton College Preparatory High School in Jacksonville
3. Eastside High School in Gainesville
The authorizations were granted on March 10, 1983. Immediately, the three schools planned a meeting, and from this origin, IB Coordinators have worked in unison to promote the programmes. Soon, a Constitution and By Laws were adopted and submitted to the Secretary of State for a Charter of Incorporation. The charter was granted on July 18, 1988. This charter states that FLIBS is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and as a Non-profit Corporation in the State of Florida.
The purpose of FLIBS shall be the general improvement of education for the Primary Years, Middle Years, and Diploma Programs. These programs are accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organization. All of the authorized schools in the State of Florida and applicant schools in the southeast region may join FLIBS and participate in the organization.
The goals and objectives of FLIBS include:
• Facilitating continuing program development, curriculum improvement and implementation.
• Sponsoring opportunities for networking for teachers, counselors, coordinators and administrators.
• Serving as a clearinghouse for ideas and materials relating to IB courses and programs.
• Facilitating publicity for students, high schools, and school systems participating in the IB.
• Facilitating professional, student and public discussions of IB programs.
• Fostering recognition and understanding of the IB by North American Universities and Colleges.
Our Staff

Pam Stewart
Executive Director

Karen Brown
Deputy Executive Director Professional Development Director

Laura Lowrimore
Professional Development Associate Director

Susan Farias
Marketing and Membership Manager

Linda Champion
Finance Director

Mike Brown
Workshop Support
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FLIBS is excited to be back in-person to provide face-to-face professional development workshops.
All FLIBS workshops will be held at the TradeWinds Island Grand and Rumfish Resorts in St. Pete Beach, Florida.