FLIBS Members Area
Welcome to our exclusive members area, where you gain access to premium content tailored just for you. Dive into a world of personalized benefits, resources, and community engagement, designed to enhance your experience with us.
Membership in the Florida League of IB Schools (FLIBS) organization is a benefit to all authorized IB schools in the state of Florida. The membership dues for authorized schools is USD $300.00 annually. Schools in the application process with IBO are encouraged to JOIN as Candidate Members for an annual fee of USD $200.00. Authorized schools in the Southeast United States and those with an interest in the IB may join as Affiliate Members with an annual fee of USD $200.00. Click the JOIN FLIBS NOW membership below.

Member schools receive benefits which include:
- Latest information from Government Liaison
- Quarterly meetings in September, November, February and June featuring roundtable discussion and sharing of successful practices
- Advocacy support at the state and local government levels
- Advocacy support with the Florida Department of Education
- Exclusive networking opportunities with experienced IB professionals
- A comprehensive network of professionals assisting one another in improving and strengthening the International Baccalaureate in the state of Florida
- Summary and updates of Florida Statutes related to the International Baccalaureate Programmes in Florida
- Student scholarship opportunities for authorized schools
- Teacher grants authorized schools
- Representation at International Baccalaureate Americas annual Leadership Meetings
- FLIBS Data Surveys
- Support documents such as the Florida DP IB Courses.doc, and Florida MYP IB Course Grades 9-10.doc
Resource Center
Please click the button below to sign in to the resoures center where you can accesss your personalised information.