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FLIBS - Membership

FLIBS Members Area

Welcome to our exclusive members area, where you gain access to premium content tailored just for you. Dive into a world of personalized benefits, resources, and community engagement, designed to enhance your experience with us.


Membership in the Florida League of IB Schools (FLIBS) organization is a benefit to all authorized IB schools in the state of Florida. The membership dues for authorized schools is USD $300.00 annually. Schools in the application process with IBO are encouraged to JOIN as Candidate Members for an annual fee of USD $200.00.  Authorized schools in the Southeast United States and those with an interest in the IB may join as Affiliate Members with an annual fee of USD $200.00. Click the JOIN FLIBS NOW membership below.

FLIBS - Sunset

Member schools receive benefits which include:

  • Latest information from Government Liaison
  • Quarterly meetings in September, November, February and June featuring roundtable discussion and sharing of successful practices
  • Free online copies of your Certificates of Completion for attending FLIBS workshops and quarterly meetings
  • Advocacy support at the state and local government levels
  • Advocacy support with the Florida Department of Education
  • Exclusive networking opportunities with experienced IB professionals
  • A comprehensive network of professionals assisting one another in improving and strengthening the International Baccalaureate in the state of Florida
  • Summary and updates of Florida Statutes related to the International Baccalaureate Programmes in Florida
  • Student scholarship opportunities for authorized schools (Download: Scholarship Application)
  • Teacher grants authorized schools (Download: Grant Application)
  • Representation at International Baccalaureate Americas annual Leadership Meetings
  • FLIBS Data Surveys
  • Support documents such as the Florida DP IB Courses.doc, and Florida MYP IB Course Grades 9-10.doc

These links will take you to the latest recipients of FLIBS Scholarships and FLIBS Teacher Grants.

Resource Center

Please click the button below to sign in to the resoures center where you can accesss your personalised information.